New Patient Form

Thank you for choosing our practice for your eye care needs. Please complete the following. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. To prevent any misunderstandings, we have a stated payment policy. Payment in full is expected at the time services are provided. Payment may be made with cash, check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or an insurance program for which we accept assignment. If eyeglasses or contact lenses are to be ordered we require payment in full. Any balance owed must be paid in full when materials are dispensed.

Patient Information

Name *

Nickname *

Sex Assigned At Birth *

Gender Identity

Preferred Pronouns

Home Address *


Primary Phone *

Email *

What is your contact preference? *

Date Of Birth *

Occupation *

Employer *

Spouse/Parent's Name (if minor)

Spouse/Parent's Employer (if minor)


I authorize this office to release any information necessary to expedite insurance claims. I understand that I am responsible for all charges, regardless of insurance coverage.

Full Name – Information *

Insurance Information

A copy of your card will be required.

Do you have medical health insurance?

Privacy Notice

Full Name – Privacy and Financial Policy *

Date *

Whom may we thank for referring you to our office?

What brings you in today? (Please check all that apply)

Ocular Symptoms (Please check all that apply)

Patient's Medical Health History

Patient's Ocular Health History (Please check all that apply)

Eye Injuries/Surgeries

Eye Medications/Drops

Full Name of Your Primary Care Physician

Family's Medical Health History

Has anyone in your immediate family suffered from:

Dry Eyes

Eye Injuries

Strabismus (Eye Turns)




Retinal Detachment


Color Vision Problems

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Macular Degeneration

Has anyone in your immediate family been diagnosed with Cancer?

Has anyone in your immediate family been diagnosed with Diabetes?

Has anyone in your immediate family been diagnosed with Hypertension?

Has anyone in your immediate family been diagnosed with Thyroid Disorder?

Other relevant medical history in your immediate family?

Review of Systems

Constitutional (changes in weight, sleep)

Ear, Nose, Throat

Neurology (headaches, MS, tumors)

Psychiatric (depression, anxiety, ADD, autism)

Cardiovascular (heart disease, high blood pressure)

Respiratory (asthma, emphysema)

Gastrointestinal (ulcers, reflux, IBS)

Genitourinary (genitals, kidneys, bladder)

Bones/Joints/Muscles (arthritis, MD)

Skin Disorders (rosacea, lupus)


Allergy (seasonal, foods, medications)


Currently Pregnant

Endocrine (diabetes, thyroid)

Are you allergic to any medications?

Social History

Do you use tobacco products?

Do you drink alcohol?